Sit Around Saturday: Then I Laughed

It’s totally here! You guessed it…it’s time for Sit Around Saturday!
This week we are sitting around with Jessie from Then I Laughed!
This woman is simply amazing! Her blog is beautiful, well organized and fun to read! How she manages to keep it looking so amazing with 6 kids running around I may never know!
Ice-Cream Recipe at the bottom of this post!
Okay, okay…do I really need to repeat this part every time? Before I can have some fun with Jessie, I have to get through the boring normal questions! Luckily I try to make the boring normal questions fun…and Jessie comes up with some awesome answers for them!!
Describe your blog in 15 words or less!

A humorous look at life! Life is serious; You don’t have to be!

I totally adore her tag line! I mean really! How well does that fit me?!? How often have you guys seen me be 100% serious? It’s rare I know!

When did you start blogging? How did you come up with your blogs name?

I’ve had some sort of blog since 2002. I started Then I Laughed right after my house burnt down in October 2012. I named it Then I Laughed because as I stood in my driveway watching my house burn I just laughed. I made a decision that day that regardless of the difficulties life threw my way I was choosing laughter and joy!

WOW! I can’t believe how awesome of an attitude you have! That is amazing! I try to choose laughter and joy. Most times I succeed…lately with this dang Blogger to WordPress migration thing…the tears are winning :/ Someone please save me!!

What is something about yourself that most of your readers don’t know?

Probably how sensitive I really am. I come across as sarcastic and funny and at times serious but I wonder if my readers really know I’m pretty soft.

I am the exact same way! I am extremely sensitive and tend to take things to heart when people are just joking around. I am pretty good with constructive criticism, as long as it isn’t rude. Hence my post 3 Types Negative Comments & How To Deal With Them  

How do you spend your time when you aren’t blogging?

Chasing 6 children, cleaning up pee from the bathroom floor, feeding children about 32 times a day, making out with my husband, and I spend a lot of time planting quarters in the backyard in hopes of growing a money tree!

If you figure out that money tree let me know!!

What do you find most challenging about blogging?

Finding a balance between what to share with readers and what to keep private is a challenge. How much is too much to share? How will what I write impact my husband and children and my children’s parents.

What do you find most rewarding about blogging?

The relationships I’ve developed with my readers! I have met so many wonderful people, learned so much, laughed so much! I’m so thankful for that!

What post are you most proud of so far?

I’m most proud of my series on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

It isn’t my funniest post, it isn’t my popular post, and it doesn’t get many hits. But preventing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is my passion. Finding a way to help my son and other children living with FAS flourish is what drives me every day!

Pick two of your favorite blogs to read that you would like me to invite to do Sit Around Saturday!

My Mom’s A Whack Job   &  Mama Laughlin

Ask me one question…any question at all and I have to answer it no matter what!

If you had to make out with an ex president who would it be?

REALLY?!? Like seriously? Wow chick! Just wow!! Way to be mean and give me a toughie! lets see…what ex-president would I make out with? Just make out right?!? I so don’t have to go further!!!

Oh my gosh I am so going to have nightmares about this! 

What’s sad is as I sat here thinking about this my husband and I started talking. We discussed ALL of the presidents and what would make them “make out worthy” and what would not!

George Washington? Nah…I’m not into men in  white wigs…sowwie!

Abe Lincoln? Nope…a little TOO honest for me! Besides…he was married…if he is honest he wouldn’t do it anyways! 

John F. Kennedy wasn’t too bad looking…but still not really my “type” I guess.
Richard Nixon? Haha…do I really need to go there? However, Futurama does make him a bit more attractive…he does become president of Earth eventually you know!

George W. Bush? Umm…well he is just a teeny tiny bit ditsy and well it’s only fair for me to admit that I am as well and that would end up as a horrible combination!
Oooo I got it! 

Ronald Reagan!

I mean seriously girls! If you have not SEEN Reagan in his younger days when he was an actor…GOOGLE IT NOW! He was one sexy man! 

I’m not putting a picture up because I so don’t wanna get in trouble for copy right issues so look it up! NOW!

Anyways…if I couldn’t have Reagan (there better be a dang good reason I can’t have him too, because I can totally imagine a much younger Reagan lol) I think I would go with Clinton.

Now, now! Stop judging! 

I have some pretty solid reasons here! 
First: with all of the affairs he supposedly had…he must be pretty dang good at what he does!
Second: he may not be all that attractive and his voice give me chills (not the good kind) but I can guarantee that he will have the supplies to get me high and I don’t have to remember the experience! lol

What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

A ridiculously large amount of fruit, milk, almond milk, turkey, eggs, worms, Crystal light, salsa, cottage cheese, a partridge and a pear tree and every condiment jar in there has the lid off! Seriously, I have a kid that gets up in the night and takes the lids off everything!

If your blog was a dessert, what would it be and why?

Ice Cream! You just need more and more of it!


If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Why?

Grilled Cheese! It’s yummy and reminds me of my mama!

What do you think about when you are alone in your car?

Oh I think I’m free! 5 minutes alone in the car is like heaven. I usually blare the radio and listen to songs with naughty words that I wouldn’t let my kids hear if they were with me!

Name 3 things within a 2 foot radius of yourself right now.

Dinosaur hat, Sonic cup of lemon water, my cell phone.

What song best describes you? Why?

Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benetar!
Today for me it would be “It’s my party I can cry if I want to cry if I want to CRY IF I WANT TO! You would cry too if it happened to you!”
Dedicated to my blog move! lol (And yes if you were curious I totally just BELTED that out loud!)

If you were a star wars/star trek (you pick) character who would you be and why?

I have never watched star wars or star trek so I’m not sure. I do have weird ears though so probably whatever character has funny ears.

THAT IS A CRIME!! HOW CAN YOU NOT WATCH THESE?!?! By the way…the name you are looking for is Spock … he is a Vulcan… “live long and prosper”!

Take a moment and write a short rant& ramble post for us. It can be any topic that you would like…just keep it legal please!

One of my biggest rants is people that freak out about first world problems. To me a first world problem would be complaining about the line at the grocery store! Seriously, do you know how many people in this world would love to walk into a store filled with food, select anything they want for them and their children, and then wait in line to pay for it? This is a luxury! First world problem my friend! How about those people that complain about not having a new car. They are sick of driving their dented up mommy mini van and whine about it. Hello! Women all over the world carry their babies on their backs to fetch dirty water! Let’s take a moment to process that! They walk miles, with children attached to them and haul water that isn’t even clean! And we complain about the condition of our cars, the price of Starbucks, and how hard it is to keep our houses clean! First world problems! Let’s all take just a moment to be thankful for what we have and put it all in perspective. Life could be worse!

Kid Friendly
Ice-Cream In A Bag
WARNING: I’m an awful cook…but hey this is one I’ve done in the past with Emalee!
I promise…there were no fatalities!

2 tablespoons of sugar
1 cup of half & half
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/2 cup of salt
Frozen water…better known as ICE

2 gallon-sized Ziploc bag PER KID
2 pint-sized Ziploc bag PER KID
  1. Mix the sugar, half & half and vanilla extract together in a bowl.
  2. Pour into a pint-sized Ziploc baggie. MAKE SURE IT IS SEALED TIGHTLY!! Trust me on this one…you DO NOT want to hand over that bag without checking the seal!
  3. Now take the gallon-sized Ziploc bag and fill it up halfway with ice and pour the salt over the ice.
  4. Put the sugar mixture filled bag into the ice filled bag and seal. Again…be sure that you seal it well! Duct tape may be appropriate here! Explosions happen and messes are made! Make no mistake…you will end up with “ice-cream” everywhere!
  5. Now for the “fun” part! Shake the bags for 5 to 10 minutes (after 5 minutes open the bag and check to see if the ice-cream is hard, if not keep shaking.)! HAHAHAHAHA every mom out there is laughing now! Yeah right how many kids are going to shake that bag for that long?!? Guess who ends up shaking the bag???
  6. IMPORTANT STEP: Once your kid gives up and asks you to shake the bag while they go do..well whatever…quickly take out the extra set of bags that you haven’t used, dump the ice into the big one, take the ice cream out of the freezer, fill the middle bag, holler for the kids to come back! Voila! Now you have Kid Friendly Ice-cream in a bag!

PS: If you kid really does make it the entire time, congratulations! Young kids tend to be AMAZED by this process…so if you can keep them shaking it is well worth it! Plus they are wearing off some of the energy they are about to gain from all that sugar!

This recipe really will make ice-cream! We have done it a few times! It is delicious with some fresh fruit cut up and added to the baggie! 
Don’t forget to give me my big ol’ slice of
Let me know what you think of this weeks Sit Around and be sure to check out Jessie’s site!
If you are interested in participating shoot me an email and I will get you lined up! 🙂

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