Provoked by Rebecca Zanetti

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Book Length: 261 pages

Main Characters: Kane Kayrs and Amber Freebird

Click here for the full series review!


In Provoked, Jase Kayrs is a casualty of the war between vampires and demons, he has been missing for six years and his brother Kane is determined to find some answers. Unfortunately, those answers are going to come from the most unlikely source…non-other than Amber Freebird, a blonde, vegan, pacifist who has no intention of using her “skills” in any form of war.

Amber enjoys her life as it is and has no intention of changing things, especially not because a sexy alpha male vampire insists on order instead of her usual chaos. Sadly, when he discovers that she may be the only hope to finding his brother he is so not letting her go…even if it means mating her to gain her cooperation! Some how this unlikely couple unite and bond proving that maybe opposites really do attract…


purple starpurple starpurple starpurple starpurple star

This series just keeps getting better and better! I just can’t wait to find out what happens next 🙂

Kane and Amber’s story was amazing! I am still totally drawn in by the author’s writing style, it makes me feel absolutely like a part of the story.

The characters are so well developed and even the ones from earlier books who were total alpha male jerks have become more likeable 🙂 I love that each book tells us a little more about past characters and gives you glimpses into their relationships.

The Janie, Zane and Kalin aspect of this story line just keeps getting better and better! I am super ready to figure out some of those secrets!

I am nervous about reading so fast though….I am going to be so upset when I run out of books in this series!

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