
Today has been a semi busy day. I didn’t get as much done around the house as I had planned, but I did do some things. My oldest, Emalee, had a slight upset tummy this morning and decided she wanted to cuddle most of the day. Luckily by the afternoon she was back to her overly active self 🙂

My husband and I went on another outside run today. Did 3.21 miles, some running and some power walking. I am super proud of myself for my accomplishments in my workouts. I hope that if I keep it up soon I will start to see a difference in my body and how much I am able to do! I just have to keep myself motivated and moving!!

I am so proud of my family as a whole. We are making healthier choices in everything that we do. Our groceries are fresh veggies, fruits, and less red meats. Even Emalee asks for healthy snacks and foods throughout the day. I hope that we can keep this up and keep Emalee asking for healthy options. In addition to our healthy food choices we are ALL exercising much more often. Emalee likes to go on walks, practice on the elliptical, and even does a dance workout on the Xbox kinect made for children that is made by Nickelodeon.

I am currently doing research on chores and children. I am hoping to have a blog entry up soon on what is appropriate for what age and how to motivate children to do their chores. Please let me know if you have anything specific that you are interested in me researching in the future or any ideas you would like to share.

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